Welcome To Tropicalindo Fish * Neon tetra (paracheirodon innesi) - Phantom ( megalomphodus sp.) - Red Nose or Rummy Nose (petitella georglae) - Black tetra ( gymnocorimbus ternetzi) - Emperor tetra (palmeri) - Congo tetra ( hemigrammopetersius caudalis) - Silver dollar ( methynis hypsauchen) - Platy (xiphophorus maculata) - Guppy (poecilia reticulata) - Molly (poecilia sphenops) - Black Ghost (apteronotus aldifrons) - Manfish (Pterophyllum Scalare)*

Contact Us

Indo TropicalPlease fill out for your order in the "comments" section of this Message
Your information order should include :
Your name *
Address *
Email addres *
Fax numbers
Phone numbers *
Species of fish *
Airport destination *
How many fish you would like to order *
and What all kinds documents required in your state *

We will answer your Message by email and advise the total cost of your fish delivered to your door, or to your nearest airport.

Tropicalindo Fish

Jl. Rungkut Menanggal Harapan K7
Surabaya - Indonesia

Phone   : (+62)85232552459
Website : http://tropicalindofish.com
Email     : office@tropicalindofish.com