Welcome To Tropicalindo Fish * Neon tetra (paracheirodon innesi) - Phantom ( megalomphodus sp.) - Red Nose or Rummy Nose (petitella georglae) - Black tetra ( gymnocorimbus ternetzi) - Emperor tetra (palmeri) - Congo tetra ( hemigrammopetersius caudalis) - Silver dollar ( methynis hypsauchen) - Platy (xiphophorus maculata) - Guppy (poecilia reticulata) - Molly (poecilia sphenops) - Black Ghost (apteronotus aldifrons) - Manfish (Pterophyllum Scalare)*

Emperor Tetra

The emperor tetra (Nematobrycon palmeri) is found the streams and rivers of western Colombia including the Rio Atrata and the Rio San Juan.

The emperor tetra is an omnivore, eating both animal and vegetable food. Any good flake or pelleted fish food is a good basis for its diet. It will benefit from live food like daphnia and mosquito larvae as well as frozen fish food including frozen bloodworms.

The purple hue of these tetras will be more apparent in an aquarium with floating plants on the surface and relatively subdued lighting. If the aquarium is too bright, the yellow coloration will dominate.
