Welcome To Tropicalindo Fish * Neon tetra (paracheirodon innesi) - Phantom ( megalomphodus sp.) - Red Nose or Rummy Nose (petitella georglae) - Black tetra ( gymnocorimbus ternetzi) - Emperor tetra (palmeri) - Congo tetra ( hemigrammopetersius caudalis) - Silver dollar ( methynis hypsauchen) - Platy (xiphophorus maculata) - Guppy (poecilia reticulata) - Molly (poecilia sphenops) - Black Ghost (apteronotus aldifrons) - Manfish (Pterophyllum Scalare)*


The Platy originates in Central America and is a very popular tropical fish. It is very easy to take care of and well suited for the freshwater fish beginner. The Platy fish comes in many different color varieties including the salt and pepper platies, the red wag tail and the tuxedo platy.

There is even a variety called the Mickey Mouse. They can be a very active tropical fish if given good water conditions. The female Platy is usually larger than the males of the same age. Females can reach a size of up to 2.5 inches whereas the males usually get to be about 1.5 inches. Breeding them is fairly easy since they are livebearers.

Platies will accept most fish foods including flakes, frozen, live and freeze dried foods. Try to vary their diet for optimum health and coloration.
